

Timeline of Lies

They told us we needed a good deal, then gave away everything they promised to get.


Visit Iran: America’s Newest Ally

A deal that strengthens the theocratic regime in Tehran makes us complicit in its crimes against women, homosexuals and political prisoners.


Trust Iran to Screw Us: Secure Freedom Full-Page Ad in the Washington Times

The Center for Security Policy took aim at President Obama’s dangerous Iran deal in a new full-page ad in today’s Washington Times.


Wounded Vet Says “Don’t Trust Iran”

One person who does not believe a word of Obama’s Iran Deal is Iraq and Afghanistan veteran, Chuck Ziegenfuss, a retired Army officer who was wounded by an IED.


“Death to America” Since 1979

Iran has been killing Americans for 36 years. What will they do when the get the bomb?


Don’t Trust Us: Tell Washington to Oppose Obama’s Nuclear Deal with Iran

Sign the petition to oppose any deal with Iran that does not end their illegal nuclear weapons program and stop their sponsorship of jihadist terrorism.