Obama Administration


Two More Secret Deals Revealed, as Obama Continues Keeping Americans in the Dark on Deal

Obama has been lobbying hard trying to convince members of his own party to put party politics over country and support the P5+1 agreement with Iran. One question he hasn’t answered at least publicly is if this agreement is so great, why is he holding back its full details? Today, two side agreements were discovered via media […]


Talks Continue Despite New Iranian Violations

On Thursday the scene at the P5+1 talks in Vienna was absolutely surreal, like something out of the Twilight Zone. By Friday morning things seemed to have settled down, and negotiators working the deal agreed to extend an interim “framework” agreement until Monday to give them more time to work, according to a senior State Department official. While the […]


Deadline Hours Away: No Pact But War To Sell Nuke Deal To Congress Has Begun

The deadline for completing a nuclear deal with Iran is  the end of the day on July 7th.  But already the Obama administration and the Democratic Party political machine has been waging attacks and making threats in order to sell the a deal that so far is nonexistent. There are many different scenarios for what will result […]


Obama Ignoring Iranian Nuclear Violations So He Can Sell The Deal Later

As Iran violates the JPOA, Obama administration continues to either ignore or spin.