On August 18th, Democratic Senator Bob Menendez announced he will vote against the proposed nuclear deal with Iran. Framing it as a decision of conscience rather than partisanship, Menendez declared that “if Iran is to acquire a nuclear bomb, it will not have my name on it.” The Members of Congress below will have their names on Iran’s bomb– and the bombs, rockets and suicide bombers Iran will fund with the $150 billion this dangerous deal provides Iran.
President Obama has claimed that the proposed Iran Deal will “permanently prevent” Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. That is a flat-out lie. President Obama himself has admitted that the framework announced before the final deal would leave Iran with a breakout time of “near zero” in 13 to 15 years. And critics have argued that the deal as announced is far worse than that framework and would “shorten, not lengthen, the time to an Iranian nuclear weapon.”