According to a new report, the Iran Deal violates U.S. law by reopening a legal loophole that will allow subsidiaries of U.S. companies to do business with Iran.
Yesterday, Congressman Mike Pompeo and Senator Tom Cotton detailed two secret side deals between the IAEA and Iran which were hidden from the public and congress. The story was picked up by National Review and today, State Department spokesman, Admiral John Kirby was asked about it on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. Kirby failed to give a […]
Iran doubtless believes that, having gotten so much by way of concessions already, it can get a good deal more.
With US forces sharing a military base with Iran backed Shia in Iraq, questions are now being raised about America’s relationship with Iran and the ethics attached to this partnership.
Alyssa Canobbio of the Washington Free Beacon reports on the Center for Security Policy-organized letter to Sen. Tom Cotton from more than 150 national security experts.
Let’s put aside President Obama’s ridiculous argument that the recent letter to Iranian officials signed by 47 U.S. senators constituted “wanting to make common cause with the hardliners in Iran.” It was nothing of the kind. This letter warned Iran and the world that the agreement being negotiated on its nuclear program will not be […]
In response to Speaker John Boehner’s invitation to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress, and yesterday’s letter to Iranian leaders by 47 U.S. senators that a nuclear agreement with Iran might be reversed by the next president, my friend Carol Giacomo wrote in a New York Times column today “by now it should be obvious that a vocal […]