It was a speech that began with a silent glare, there was a silent glare in the middle, and it was primarily about silence. At the United Nations today Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu screamed at the United Nations General Assembly with his silence. As he got to the podium Netanyahu stood silently looking at the […]
The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) told the Associated Press on Monday that air, soil, and dust samples have been taken from the Parchin nuclear site, but it was Iranian nuclear experts with no IAEA staff present ,who took the collection. IAEA chief Yukiya Amano claims that the collection was done according to the IAEA guidelines, because everything […]
It’s bad enough that the Iran deal includes secret deals between the rogue regime and the IAEA, but now we are learning that President Obama made a secret deal with Russia and China. As reported by Adam Kredo of the Washington Free Beacon, President Obama has given Europe, China and Russia that it will guarantee their companies […]
While John Kerry and Barack Obama deservedly get the “credit” for bowing down to Iran’s Supreme Leader by making concession after concession and ignoring the “redlines” created by the Administration, it was Hillary Clinton who made the first concession to Iran which was allowing them to continue to enrich uranium. That was the concession which allowed the talks to […]
How can the President say both that the nuclear deal will reduce Iran’s breakout time to almost nothing, and yet also that the threat of an Iranian bomb is permanently solved?
As President Obama continues to push his flawed P5+1 deal with Iran, Americans still aren’t buying what he is selling. In a poll released by Quinnipiac University on August 31st, Americans oppose the Iran nuclear deal by a 55%-25% margin (20% not sure). Both Republicans (87%-9%) and independents (59%-17%) oppose the deal, only those in […]
One of the many unanswered questions about the P5+1 agreement is since the majority of Americans don’t want the deal approved, and the more that Americans learn about the deal the more they dislike it, why are congressional Democrats throwing their support behind dangerous agreement voters don’t like. It can’t all be because they are trying to give a […]