Obama administration abases itself by showing ‘gratitude’ to the Mullahs for seizing American sailors at gunpoint, thanks Iran, and promises “not to make the same mistakes again.”
Experts agree that the Obama administration is acquiescing to Iran’s destruction of order in the Middle East in the hope of preserving a personal “legacy” for the President.
Pakistan declares its support for Saudi Arabia’s “territorial integrity,” as the Saudis prepare for an oil war.
“Until Iranian influence in Baghdad is significantly reduced, there is no chance that there will be a genuine, lasting reconciliation.”
Russia has begun its transfers of S-300 missile systems to Iran according to a report published in the Washington Post. These missile systems are considered by defense experts to be capable of taking down up to fourth generation fighter aircraft, to include American F-15s, F-16s, and F-18s, which jointly make up the major bulk of […]
Iranian Deputy FM in September, before providing evidence in October: IAEA has agreed that its final PMD “report will be gray. It will neither be black nor white.”
IAEA head, end of November: “The report will not be black and white.”
What does this mean for the Russian/Iranian effort to wrest control of this conflict?