Associated Press


Parchin Nuclear Samples Taken By Iranian Nuclear Experts-No IAEA Supervision

The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) told the Associated Press on Monday that air, soil, and dust samples have been taken from the Parchin nuclear site, but it was Iranian nuclear experts with no IAEA staff present ,who took the collection. IAEA chief Yukiya Amano claims that the collection was done according to the IAEA guidelines, because everything […]


Reuters “Walks Back” Report Critical of AP Release Of Iran Side Deal (But Buries Revision)

Now that the Iran deal has been killed in Congress, Reuters is walking back a report from last week which cast doubt on the details of the side deal released by the Associated Press, saying that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will be right there with the Iranians as they take samples at the Parchin military base. The […]


FUNNY?? State Dept. Laughs At Letter From 200+ Ret. Generals Opposing Iran Deal

After sticking out its chest and crowing about a letter from 34 retired generals and admirals supporting the P5+1 agreement, the Obama administration is laughing off a letter opposing the deal by over 200 retired generals and admirals. As reported by IranTruth on Wednesday, “Leon “Bud” Edney, a retired admiral who served as vice chief of […]


White House-Allied Iran Lobby Claims AP Invented Side Deal Document, Blames Israel

NIAC’S Trita Parsi is furious someone leaked a “side deal” and, like his patrons in Tehran, he knows who to blame.


More Details on Secret Side Deal Allowing Iran to Inspect Itself

Given the unprecedented nature of the side deals, it is not surprising that Iran, the IAEA, and the Obama administration want to keep them secret.


Thumbs Up! Unnamed US Official Spins Iran’s Non-Compliance as Satisfactory

We’re “letting the Iranians pick and choose which parts of the agreement they want to comply with.”